SSbD database
SSbD framework
The "Safe and Sustainable by Design" (SSbD framework) is a voluntary approach to guide the innovation process for chemicals and materials, announced on 8 December 2022 in a Commission Recommendation.
Taking JRC framework into action
Our aim is to take JRC framework into action by allowing SMEs to apply the framework in a cost-effective manner. Our approach reduces the experimental burden; we are able to estimate costs and obtain solutions that are both economical and time efficient.
The hub is:
- a repository and database;
- an exchange platform;
- a training tool for the next generation of researchers;
- a promotion of SSbD.
A platform for:
Content will be available starting from January 2025.
Pre-register now and be ready for all the upcoming news:
- webinars dedicated to SSbD for companies, students, researchers and institution members.
- informative material, to build a complete SSbD database.
- events to attend, in presence and online, with experts from different sectors.
Next workshops
Don’t miss our next events, book your free place!
23 March 2025
SSbD in a textile value chain context. What can SSbD offer the sector.
Speaker: AITEX
Speaker: AITEX
16 May 2025
SSbD in a cosmetics value chain context. What can SSbD offer the sector.
Speaker: RED OF VIEW
Speaker: RED OF VIEW
08 June 2025
SSbD in air filtration/water purification value chain context.
Speaker: CNR-ISMN
Speaker: CNR-ISMN
Informative videos will touch the following topics:
- the SSbD framework;
- the INTEGRANO methodology;
- multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA);
- LCA and S-LCA;
- NMs and NEPs - regulatory framework and policy at the EU level;
- NMs and NEPs data resources;
- INTEGRANO results – CS leads;
- nano-specific impact categories.